Weight Management
Your $99, no obligation deposit goes toward a comprehensive coaching session, including body composition testing, personalized nutrition planning, fitness tips, and medical review. GLP-1 medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide have demonstrated 10-15% weight loss in 12-week studies.
Starter Program: $475
4 weeks, includes cost of meds
Initial consult with the physician
1 Health Coaching sesion
1 month follow up
Performance Pack: $975
12 Weeks, includes cost of meds
Starter Program offerings
PLUS: monthly health coaching and body composition testing
Savings: $450
Total Transformation: $1900
12 weeks, includes cost of meds
Performance Pack offerings
Savings: $950
Starter Program: $550
4 weeks, includes cost of meds
Initial consult with the physician
1 Health Coaching sesion
1 month follow up
Performance Pack: $1150
12 Weeks, includes cost of meds
Starter Program offerings
PLUS: monthly health coaching and body composition testing
Savings: $500
Total Transformation: $1900
12 weeks, includes cost of meds
Performance Pack offerings
Savings: $1150